Ina Garten's Peach Pie Secret Makes It Taste 'Peachier'

If there’s one benefit to having been stuck inside our homes more than usual in the past year and a half, it’s that a lot of us have gotten a chance to hone our baking and cooking skills. Professional chefs like Ina Garten have been a source of inspiration, knowledge, and — above all — recipes! 

Nothing says summer quite like a peach dish. The fruit has a short-lived season for most of America, but it’s worth the wait the rest of the year! Garten provides some tips on how to make the perfect peach pie, including how to get it even “peachier” in taste. 

Ina Garten’s peach pie is divine

As People reports, Garten’s peach pie is a particular crowd-pleaser. The lattice-work top gives it a traditional look that just screams home cooking without looking too professional or perfect. Of course, the real draw of a peach pie isn’t what it looks like on the outside — it’s what it tastes like! 

The star of the Barefoot Contessa’s recipe is about six large, ripe peaches. From there, she adds simple ingredients like sugar, eggs, flour, and butter, to craft the perfect pie. There is one secret that gets added to help make the fruity flavors really pop. 

A splash of orange juice and some additional orange zest act as a complementary agent to the sweetness of the peaches. As Garten put it, “I added orange zest and orange juice, which makes the peaches taste … well … peachier!” The end result is a flaky crust filled with sweet, gooey deliciousness. 

Ina Garten has other peach dishes to try 

Ina Garten’s catalog of recipes covers an impressive range, and she really tries to capture a variety of needs — including providing tips for what to make when it’s too hot to turn on the oven. If you’re a peach fan but don’t necessarily want peach pie, Garten still has you covered! 

Her fantastic peach cake is known for being “fast, easy, and absolutely mouthwatering.” It pairs fresh peaches with cinnamon sugar for a simple but tasty dish that brings out some of the brightest flavors of summer. A really hot summer day may be best filled by snacking on Garten’s recipe for peach sherbet. If you’ve got an ice cream maker, the three-ingredient recipe couldn’t be simpler to throw together. 

Many of those recipes are rated as beginner level in their difficulty, but more experienced chefs might turn to Garten’s intermediate challenge of crafting peach and blueberry crumbles. The recipe on her website explains that the dish combines fresh blueberries, ripe peaches, and lemon zest to create a delicious combination of sweet and tart that’s sure to delight on a hot summer day! The real star of the crumble is, of course, the crumble! The combination of butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon can be made up ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator to make assembly quicker.

Ina Garten has been inspiring home chefs for years

Also known as the Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten is known for creating simple meals that really deliver flavor and comfort. When you’re not using flashy ingredients and complex combinations, the technique has to be on point to deliver, and that’s what Garten literally brings to the table.

Garten’s philosophy for sharing her recipes is to make them approachable and accessible. She wants people to be inspired by the pictures of her dishes and feel like they can make them with easily-obtained ingredients. 

From sausage with rigatoni to perfect roast chicken, Garten has plenty of famous savory dishes that make for hearty dinners. However, her dessert game should not be overlooked! 
